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Monday, December 13, 2010

How to win the heart of DIGI employers?

If you have the intention to work in Digi, this post would definitely keep you on your toes. Basically, this is a post to help graduating students who are interested to work in telecommunications company like Digi, have a better idea as well as we are here and glad to share with you some information on what it takes to become a Digi employee. If you are one of them, keep reading!

Digi is definitely a big company, which you and I know Digi is a one of the leading mobile communications company in Malaysia. Yesterday, my colleague, LaiKuen and I (Vivien) went to Digi to experience ourselves how is it working in Digi's office and the people. Its office is located in Subang Hi-Tech, somewhere near Shah Alam; a place where people will always get lost all the time. I don’t know why, it's just simply hard to get in that place. At first, we were lost at somewhere else until we saw this “Digi Car”; then we follow behind along the road until we saw the Digi building. Seriously, the slogan of Digi has never been wrong – “ I will follow youuuuuuuu.” They follow me then I need to follow them back. *hohoho* :P

If we were not mistaken, Digi has 3 or 4 buildings around- the old one, the office one and the main one. And their parking areas only allow Digi workers to park; which means I have to park by the road outside of the building - a 5-minute walking distance from the entrance of the building.


Before you get into Digi, you’ve to register to get your own pass. As you can see above, it is just so “yaoyeng”! We are only visitors but still… they printed our name and even our company’s name. I think they are just kind of strict in allowing people to get into Digi. *forgiveness*


This is the entrance. You see, got body guard some more!

IMG_7797 This is the waiting hall.

There are iMacs with chairs and tables which are made like the Digi’s logo.

Very cool!


These are the 2 people i spoke to, and they are pretty cool and awesome! The lady on the left is Jennifer & the man on the right is Shanker.

Jennifer - A lovely lady who only started working in Digi since 2 months ago. She seems to be very happy with her job. She has a degree in computing and IT and is currently in Digi Marketing. What does she do in Digi? Basically, in the marketing department, she needs to monitor performance, product services, value added services and introduce new products. Curious of their working hours? It's from 9am to 6pm. She adds, "The environment in Digi is more friendly and relaxing, the people here are very open and casual." Here in Digi, nobody has a personal office, seat or desk. You are allowed to sit anywhere you like to. They don’t have job grades, everyone gets the same benefits. Everyone is rewarded competitively.


Shanker- who has already been working in Digi for 2 years, graduated with a degree in Business, majoring in Marketing & Finance in the year of 2006. He is a very social person, loves meeting new people, loves online networking (He is usually online all the time!), loves his phone, his laptop, his Ipad! *Lol* He is in-charge of product marketing, specifically-broadband (partnership). He does the pricing, plan, promotion and calculation. "Well, working in Digi is excellent," he says. "The culture here is very relaxing and active; casual - jeans will do."

Our most remembered advantage of working in Digi as per what have been shared? Last year April, every employee gets an Iphone 3gs for free! (But don’t work in Digi just because you want to bluff people’s iphone 4 lah!)

Advice by Jennifer and Shanker for graduating students: You must have the passion, must love your job! Go to the biggest ever company you can, because the experience and knowledge which you will learn are different. It is advised that it would be good to go for a management trainee program where we can learn many other different things. It's true that we can also learn from a smaller company, but it's good to enhance the bigger ones; it might offer you a better opportunity in the future.

Not to forget, your resume letter is very important. Do not make any grammar mistakes! Besides academic qualification, show your best performance during the interview. It may really help!

IMG_7737Left to right: Jennifer, Me, LaiKuen and Shanker.


IMG_7729 IMG_7731

Interview in progress…..

Isn’t it pretty cool?!

IMG_7742Besides the cool place, Digi has cool food too!

It's slightly expensive, but believe me.. the food is awesome! I’ll go there again for food!



LaiKuen, Me and Dang!!!!! Our food - Spaghetti!

I usually cannot finish my food, but know what... I finished this big potion of spaghetti! Omg!!

Last but not least, I personally feel that Digi is a good learning place, not to mention the chilling environment there. If I’ve a chance, i would love to be there. But don’t forget, it is important to love your job and have the passion in it, then only you’re motivated. On behalf of TalentEDge here, wishing you luck; we know you will make the right choice! Good luck!

Posted by, Vivien.

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