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Monday, December 27, 2010

Awesome Christmas Party!

How was your Christmas this year? Hope all of you had a wonderful time. Finally, the year of 2010 will be coming to an end! Pretty fast? Well, on behalf of TalentEDge, I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have you noticed the photos which we had recently posted in our Facebook page recently? I'm about so share with you below on what happened then. :)

It was a Christmas celebration organized by our teammates- Chin Yee and Sangeeta. No doubt, it was a good one with full of foods and exciting games. And not to forget, all of us brought our own present to exchange with each other. Yeah, it was awesome. Although it was only few of us in the celebration, but we had lots of fun. Let's see our pictures!

IMG_8283 Christmas tree decorated by us in the office, with lots of presents below.

Pretty awesome?


Melvin and I - Vivien. "Berpatterning"!

IMG_8164 Left to right- Chin Yee, Lai Kuen and I - Vivien.

IMG_8174Although it's only Domino's pizza for the day, it's doubly fantastic because we had the fun people to make them awesome! Yummy yummyyyyyy!


"The food hunters! Habiskan all the pizzas!"

Left to right- Chin Yee, Sangeeta and I -Vivien.


Meryll and Melvin, trying to berposing again!


Melvin trying to act while we guessed the title of a movie during one of our game sessions. Guess what, Melvin's team scored a perfect 10 in the game! - Everybody correctly guessed each other's acting. They've really good actors you know!


So there they go, getting their presents for the perfect 10 scored. Booooooooooooo, because we're the competing team! :P

Bergaya sangat.


What about the next game? We had quiz session ala "Who Wants to be Millionnaire?" when we were given with tough general knowledge questions like: “ What is the Height of KLCC”, “What is the biggest island in the earth?” etc. That really told stories on who read and always in-the-know, and who's not.

Look, Melvin was thinking…….. (Shows that the questions were really, really hard!)


Meryll, Lai Kuen and I (From the communications department)


Jeng jeng jeng~! Time for a group picture for TalentEDge! Smile~

Subsequently, it's time to exchange presents which we have placed under the Christmas tree for some time!


Happy ending! Everyone has their own present! =)

It was actually TalentEDge's first Christmas party and credit has to be given to both Chin Yee and Sangeeta for putting up a good effort to ensure fun for all of us! We definitely had lots of fun that night and we went home with our big wide smile on the face (also because of our great presents.) What about you guys?

I have been really happy interning in TalentEDge because it's really a company filled with loads of fun, of course, we work harder too. At the mean time, I’m also learning a lot of different things and experience on how working life is (Hey, it's my first job experience you know? Lol). Through internship, I've really come to know that we could also have lots of fun at work and it is really not work, work, work and more work. It has been better with the bunch of awesome TalentEDge teammates!

Well, will come back again to share more about us with you guys soon!

Happy New Year 2011!

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We are the facilitators and connectors in your human value chain, providing the links as well as servicing them right from graduate recruitment to growing the potential in your workforce.

Our business focuses on benefiting both students and employers, and we do this through TalentEDge Inspired, our CSR initiatives, TalentEdge Plugged, our graduate management programme, and TalentEdge Sparked, our workforce development solution series.
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