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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room, he asked," Who would like this $20 bill?"

Hands started going up.

He said," I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. Then he asked again, " Who still wants it?"

Still the hands were up in the air.

"Well," he replied, " What if i do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoes.

He picked it up, now all cumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20."

Moral of the story: Many times in our lives, we dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are unique, you are special.

Posted by, Vivien Stewart | Part time ballerina who has a strong passion towards dancing. She's a final year student doing mass communication, majoring Public Relation in Taylors University. Believes a mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's New Year 2011

It appears many people out there are really happy about the end of year 2010. So, what about you?

So, are you ready for 2011 yet? What are your intentions for this new year? Year 2010 has come and gone, here's a chance for everyone of us to start fresh all over again and make another year better. Put it all in the past and look forward in the future. What's done has been done, what's gone has long gone. Life is too short for us to look backward and regret mistakes that we have done. Be pleased that the mistakes have been done so that we could learn from then. That's how all of us are going to make this year a better year, right?

I guess, most of us already have a new year resolution. Looking at 2011, the word that keeps coming to my mind is "hardworking." Most of the people keep recalling back what they've done last year to make this year better. Well, honestly I have nothing much to talk about my 2010 because there weren't much achievement that I've done throughout the whole year. Therefore, I've set a goal to make this year a little bit different; which is - to be "hardworking." Although not many resolutions, "hardwork" is one vital point for me to strive this year - it's the key to all initiatives and success. Good ideas without hardwork - or effort to make it happen is merely a thought.

So, what's your resolution for this year?

People always says, the hardest part of anything is the beginning. Starting something new is like getting an airplane of the ground. It takes a lot of efforts and focus to plan it all over again. But what we can do is to have trust and faith in ourselves. Secondly, to be confident and disciplined. Set a goal, get focused, not only to reach them but push it to success, and then set new ones. Similar as mentioned earlier, we believe every single thing in life has to be paid tremendous effort to get something in return. Time is no more waiting, are you ready yet?

Well.... we shall see then.
Wish everyone of you here, happy new year.

Good luck!

"Time and tide waits for no man".

Posted by, Vivien Stewart | Part time ballerina who has a strong passion towards dancing. She's a final year student doing mass communication, majoring Public Relation in Taylors University. Believes a mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Awesome Christmas Party!

How was your Christmas this year? Hope all of you had a wonderful time. Finally, the year of 2010 will be coming to an end! Pretty fast? Well, on behalf of TalentEDge, I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have you noticed the photos which we had recently posted in our Facebook page recently? I'm about so share with you below on what happened then. :)

It was a Christmas celebration organized by our teammates- Chin Yee and Sangeeta. No doubt, it was a good one with full of foods and exciting games. And not to forget, all of us brought our own present to exchange with each other. Yeah, it was awesome. Although it was only few of us in the celebration, but we had lots of fun. Let's see our pictures!

IMG_8283 Christmas tree decorated by us in the office, with lots of presents below.

Pretty awesome?


Melvin and I - Vivien. "Berpatterning"!

IMG_8164 Left to right- Chin Yee, Lai Kuen and I - Vivien.

IMG_8174Although it's only Domino's pizza for the day, it's doubly fantastic because we had the fun people to make them awesome! Yummy yummyyyyyy!


"The food hunters! Habiskan all the pizzas!"

Left to right- Chin Yee, Sangeeta and I -Vivien.


Meryll and Melvin, trying to berposing again!


Melvin trying to act while we guessed the title of a movie during one of our game sessions. Guess what, Melvin's team scored a perfect 10 in the game! - Everybody correctly guessed each other's acting. They've really good actors you know!


So there they go, getting their presents for the perfect 10 scored. Booooooooooooo, because we're the competing team! :P

Bergaya sangat.


What about the next game? We had quiz session ala "Who Wants to be Millionnaire?" when we were given with tough general knowledge questions like: “ What is the Height of KLCC”, “What is the biggest island in the earth?” etc. That really told stories on who read and always in-the-know, and who's not.

Look, Melvin was thinking…….. (Shows that the questions were really, really hard!)


Meryll, Lai Kuen and I (From the communications department)


Jeng jeng jeng~! Time for a group picture for TalentEDge! Smile~

Subsequently, it's time to exchange presents which we have placed under the Christmas tree for some time!


Happy ending! Everyone has their own present! =)

It was actually TalentEDge's first Christmas party and credit has to be given to both Chin Yee and Sangeeta for putting up a good effort to ensure fun for all of us! We definitely had lots of fun that night and we went home with our big wide smile on the face (also because of our great presents.) What about you guys?

I have been really happy interning in TalentEDge because it's really a company filled with loads of fun, of course, we work harder too. At the mean time, I’m also learning a lot of different things and experience on how working life is (Hey, it's my first job experience you know? Lol). Through internship, I've really come to know that we could also have lots of fun at work and it is really not work, work, work and more work. It has been better with the bunch of awesome TalentEDge teammates!

Well, will come back again to share more about us with you guys soon!

Happy New Year 2011!

Monday, December 20, 2010

TiE Asia Pacific Conference 2010

It was my first time at a conference as a corporate delegate and it was such an eye opening experience for me. If you don’t already know, TiE Malaysia is the Malaysian Chapter of TiE global, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship in the country.


As I make my way down that sloping flight of stairs in the conference hall, I thought to myself, this is no joke. Watching groups of businessmen nicely dressed in suits and seated in the hall, listening to speakers giving talks on things that I didn’t quite understand did really make me feel a little intimidated. (GDP, PPP? Really?)


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The panel of speakers for the day. (from left: Sanchita Basu Das, Tan Sri Dato' Ajit Singh, Datuk Dr. Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria and Subash Bose)


The first quarter of the conference started off with speeches from the panel of speakers (pic above) and it was a good 2 hours worth of knowledge. Although it was my first time attending a TiE conference, I think they have such eminent and experienced speakers, each of whom shared their valuable insights about the India – ASEAN relationship.


The coffee break was a brisk 30mins but it was suffice for us to grab a morning coffee and some light food to kick start the day. I’ve also met a few students from other universities and it was great to know that I wasn’t the only student there. (Phew!) We had a quick yet fun chatting session with other delegates at our table and quickly made our way back to the hall.



Pastries and sandwiches for coffee break!


The serious atmosphere in the hall kept me quiet for a while until Mr. Stuart L. Dean went on stage. I know I appreciate jokes during speeches like this. :)



Stuart L. Dean, Head of South Asia of GE Corporation giving a speech on stage.


IMG_6048 Q&A Session


We had a lunch break at around 1pm with the arrival of the honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak.




YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak giving a special keynote address right before the lunch break.

Najib also mentioned on how strong economic tie between Malaysia and India will bring more opportunities in future investment. It was definitely one of the most important highlight of the conference.



Our Prime Minister receiving a special souvenir from TiE. It was a nicely framed map of all the ASEAN countries.


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The main course was an oven-baked  chicken breast  filled with ricotta cheese served with sautéed seasonal vegetables and wild beans potato puree-bell pepper sauce. Such a long name it is but sadly, the food did not live up to my expectation. I finished it anyway because I was forced to… nah, I’m kidding! :)



Melvin chatting away with other delegates.


It was such a great learning opportunity for me and it’s definitely one of the far most memorable event during my 2 month internship. Through this conference, I’ve came to experience how it feels like being in the real business world *le gasp*  and not forgetting the amazing people that I’ve met during the conference! Thank you TalentEdge!



Posted By, Lai Kuen | A 4’9 photography enthusiast. She’s a final year student doing Mass Communication in UCSI, vertically challenged, believes in faith, always an optimist and constantly in denial of her height.

Monday, December 13, 2010

How to win the heart of DIGI employers?

If you have the intention to work in Digi, this post would definitely keep you on your toes. Basically, this is a post to help graduating students who are interested to work in telecommunications company like Digi, have a better idea as well as we are here and glad to share with you some information on what it takes to become a Digi employee. If you are one of them, keep reading!

Digi is definitely a big company, which you and I know Digi is a one of the leading mobile communications company in Malaysia. Yesterday, my colleague, LaiKuen and I (Vivien) went to Digi to experience ourselves how is it working in Digi's office and the people. Its office is located in Subang Hi-Tech, somewhere near Shah Alam; a place where people will always get lost all the time. I don’t know why, it's just simply hard to get in that place. At first, we were lost at somewhere else until we saw this “Digi Car”; then we follow behind along the road until we saw the Digi building. Seriously, the slogan of Digi has never been wrong – “ I will follow youuuuuuuu.” They follow me then I need to follow them back. *hohoho* :P

If we were not mistaken, Digi has 3 or 4 buildings around- the old one, the office one and the main one. And their parking areas only allow Digi workers to park; which means I have to park by the road outside of the building - a 5-minute walking distance from the entrance of the building.


Before you get into Digi, you’ve to register to get your own pass. As you can see above, it is just so “yaoyeng”! We are only visitors but still… they printed our name and even our company’s name. I think they are just kind of strict in allowing people to get into Digi. *forgiveness*


This is the entrance. You see, got body guard some more!

IMG_7797 This is the waiting hall.

There are iMacs with chairs and tables which are made like the Digi’s logo.

Very cool!


These are the 2 people i spoke to, and they are pretty cool and awesome! The lady on the left is Jennifer & the man on the right is Shanker.

Jennifer - A lovely lady who only started working in Digi since 2 months ago. She seems to be very happy with her job. She has a degree in computing and IT and is currently in Digi Marketing. What does she do in Digi? Basically, in the marketing department, she needs to monitor performance, product services, value added services and introduce new products. Curious of their working hours? It's from 9am to 6pm. She adds, "The environment in Digi is more friendly and relaxing, the people here are very open and casual." Here in Digi, nobody has a personal office, seat or desk. You are allowed to sit anywhere you like to. They don’t have job grades, everyone gets the same benefits. Everyone is rewarded competitively.


Shanker- who has already been working in Digi for 2 years, graduated with a degree in Business, majoring in Marketing & Finance in the year of 2006. He is a very social person, loves meeting new people, loves online networking (He is usually online all the time!), loves his phone, his laptop, his Ipad! *Lol* He is in-charge of product marketing, specifically-broadband (partnership). He does the pricing, plan, promotion and calculation. "Well, working in Digi is excellent," he says. "The culture here is very relaxing and active; casual - jeans will do."

Our most remembered advantage of working in Digi as per what have been shared? Last year April, every employee gets an Iphone 3gs for free! (But don’t work in Digi just because you want to bluff people’s iphone 4 lah!)

Advice by Jennifer and Shanker for graduating students: You must have the passion, must love your job! Go to the biggest ever company you can, because the experience and knowledge which you will learn are different. It is advised that it would be good to go for a management trainee program where we can learn many other different things. It's true that we can also learn from a smaller company, but it's good to enhance the bigger ones; it might offer you a better opportunity in the future.

Not to forget, your resume letter is very important. Do not make any grammar mistakes! Besides academic qualification, show your best performance during the interview. It may really help!

IMG_7737Left to right: Jennifer, Me, LaiKuen and Shanker.


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Interview in progress…..

Isn’t it pretty cool?!

IMG_7742Besides the cool place, Digi has cool food too!

It's slightly expensive, but believe me.. the food is awesome! I’ll go there again for food!



LaiKuen, Me and Dang!!!!! Our food - Spaghetti!

I usually cannot finish my food, but know what... I finished this big potion of spaghetti! Omg!!

Last but not least, I personally feel that Digi is a good learning place, not to mention the chilling environment there. If I’ve a chance, i would love to be there. But don’t forget, it is important to love your job and have the passion in it, then only you’re motivated. On behalf of TalentEDge here, wishing you luck; we know you will make the right choice! Good luck!

Posted by, Vivien.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Steve Jobs: How to Live Before You Die

One of our team's favourite video of all time. The legendary Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement Address in Stanford with his all time remembered "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" line.

For the same video with subtitle, you can view the video in by clicking this link.

Have you heard this speech before? Share with us on how you feel after hearing it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are you a loser?

Are you a loser? Or not?
If yes, what makes you became a loser?

Many people come to the stage of handling their life, they started to think they are a loser. But why? The reason because they set a goal too far for them to reach. They've doubt in themselves which literally became their obstacle. Only successful people are always the winners in our society. Winners operate in a totally different frame of mind compared to losers, and that is why they always got the result that the losers dream of.

There's one quote here: " Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play with the cards in order to win the game." Said - Voltaire.

What do you call it a "WINNER" and a "LOSER" ?

1. Winners focus on solution whereby losers focus on problems.
2. Winners take responsibility whereby losers blames on others.
3. Winners find opportunities in crisis whereby losers complain about crisis.
4. Winners enjoy being in present and learn from the past whereby losers only live in the past.
5. Winners think about how they can achieve, losers give excuses.
6. Winners make commitment and keep them no matter what, losers make promises that they always break.
7. Winners make personal development a priority whereby losers neglect personal development.
8. Winners face their fear and accept it whereby losers dwell in their fear.
9. Winners constantly expand their comfort, losers stay in their comfort zone.
10. Winners take action consistently, losers refrain from taking action and lack consistency.
11. Winners take failure and learn from them, losers fear failure and avoid them at all cost.
12. Winners try different strategies to get the results they want, losers do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
13. Winners always set goals whereby losers lack of goals.
14. Winners do planning whereby losers hate planning.
15. Winners believe there are always thing to be learn, losers consider themselves as an expert even though they know little.
16. Winners are humble whereby losers are egoistic.
17. Winners continue to hone their skill every other day without fail, losers make little effort in honing their skill.
18. Winners dream in the day, losers dream in the bed.
19. Winners think about possibilities, losers focus on obstacles that will stop them from achieving.
20. Winners are certain, losers doubt.
21. Winners give more than they take, losers take more than they give.
22. Winners think and lead whereby losers refuse to think so they follow.
23. Winners listen, losers fight for every chance to talk.
24. Winners help others to win, losers refuse to help and think only about their own benefit.

After reading above, which categories are you in?
The LOSER? or the WINNER?

In life, nobody wants to be the loser; unless you want yourself to be. Remember, don't blame anyone who makes you became a loser now; but blame yourself. What can you do if you think you are a loser now? Are you going to help yourself once again or waiting others to spoon feed you? What you can do now is to change your own mindset, stop thinking how loser you are instead of how are you going to become a winner. Set a goal for yourself to accomplish, and decide where you want to go.

Do not give up; because one day... You will get everything in return for what you've paid of.

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Here at TalentEDge we believe in nurturing people.

We are the facilitators and connectors in your human value chain, providing the links as well as servicing them right from graduate recruitment to growing the potential in your workforce.

Our business focuses on benefiting both students and employers, and we do this through TalentEDge Inspired, our CSR initiatives, TalentEdge Plugged, our graduate management programme, and TalentEdge Sparked, our workforce development solution series.
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